
Suicide prevention is a growing concern among teens and young adults: Seema Singh

10th September is the day for commemoration of World Suicide Prevention. The recent suicide cases in Kota have set the alarm bells for every stakeholder in students’ lives. As per National Crime Record Bureau, around 100000 people commit suicide in India every year, and there was around 6.2% increase in its rate in 2021 over 2020. A news article also quoted NCRB reporting 4.2% increase in suicide cases among Indian students in 2021. Such cases have increased especially after COVID. 


 What can be the reasons? 


- Mental health disorders


- Depression, Anxiety, or other conditions


- High expectations of Parents and self


- Excessive peer pressure


- High academic pressure


- Experience of any recent trauma or loss


- Loneliness


Before talking about preventive measures, it’s important for parents, teachers or friends to understand about some warning signs or red flags to take timely action.


 Red Flags of Suicide:


- Sudden academic downfall 


- Physical changes in appearance or hygiene 


- Social withdrawal


- Talking or watching about suicide or death


- Expressing feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness


- Researching about suicide methods/acquiring weapon 


- Consumption of alcohol or drugs


- Lack of interest in daily activities


- Disturbed sleep or appetite


 Preventive Actions:


- Have empathy and compassion:     
   Rather than reacting aggressively to the child out of shock or frustration we should make them believe that we understand their feelings and thoughts and would provide all the necessary support and make them believe you will give them all support.


- Have open and non-judgemental conversation with the child:
  We should first of all, listen to the child without any judgement or remark. Lecture or advice     will not work in this condition. Rather, express your unconditional love and concern. Idea is not to make them feel guilty or culprit.


- Ensure Safe Environment:
  Remove all the dangerous things from house- knife, scissors, dangerous chemicals etc. which can be used for the purpose.


- Use Your Judgement:
   Even if a young person denies that he/she is having suicidal thought but if you believe or have intuition about it do not hesitate to take immediate steps for their safety


- Take immediate professional help to deal with mental health issues.


- Do not leave the child alone:
  Spend some extra time with them and also let them be connected with friends and loved ones. Keeping them isolated will not help.

*Seema Singh is Counseling Psychologist working with students and adolescents